Merge pull request 'Show Open Pull Requests' (#3) from error-handling-defaults-details into main

Reviewed-on: ComputerLiebe_ORG_private/Gitea-VSCode-Clone-Plugin#3
This commit is contained in:
Peter 2024-10-21 19:12:07 +00:00
commit ab4f189d66
6 changed files with 215 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ Check [Keep a Changelog]( for recommendations on how
- if working in PR show different Icon with hint
- fix progress bar in notification
## 1.2.0
### Added
- Show open Pull Requests (Command and Status Bar Icon)
## 1.1.0
### Added

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@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
A Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to clone repositories from your Gitea instance via SSH, manage Gitea authentication using a Personal Access Token (PAT), and create Pull Requests (PRs) directly from your workspace.
# Gitea Workflow
### Gitea Authentication:
- Authenticate with your Gitea instance using a Personal Access Token.
### Clone via SSH:
- Clone repositories from Gitea using SSH URLs.
### Auto-Open Repository:
- After cloning, the repository will be automatically opened in the workspace.
### Create Pull Requests:
- Create Pull Requests directly from your workspace without leaving VSCode. Automatically set the title, body, and branch for the PR.
A Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to clone repositories from your Gitea instance via SSH, manage Gitea authentication using a Personal Access Token (PAT), and create Pull Requests (PRs) directly from your workspace.
## Features
- **Gitea Authentication**: Authenticate with your Gitea instance using a Personal Access Token.
- **Clone via SSH**: Clone repositories from Gitea using SSH URLs.
- **Auto-Open Repository**: After cloning, the repository will be automatically opened in the workspace.
- **See Open Pull Requests**: Use the icon in the status bar or the command to check how many open PRs exist and open them in a browser.
- **Create Pull Requests**: Create Pull Requests (PRs) directly from your workspace
## Commands
`Gitea: Authenticate` Authenticate with your Gitea instance using your Personal Access Token (PAT).
`Gitea: Configure` Set the URL of your Gitea instance and your PAT.
`Gitea: Clone Repository` Clone a repository from Gitea via SSH.
`Gitea: Create Pull Request` Create a Pull Request for the current repository.
- `Gitea: Authenticate`: Authenticate with your Gitea instance using your Personal Access Token (PAT).
- `Gitea: Configure`: Set the URL of your Gitea instance and your PAT.
- `Gitea: Clone Repository`: Clone a repository from Gitea via SSH.
- `Gitea: Create Pull Request`: Create a pull request for the current repository.
- `Gitea: Show Open Pull Request`: Shows open pull request for the current repository and link to them.
## Requirements
@ -23,37 +24,37 @@ Features
A Personal Access Token (PAT) from your Gitea instance for authentication.
## Configuration
You can configure the Gitea instance URL, your Personal Access Token, and default clone settings in your VSCode settings:
You can configure the Gitea instance URL and your Personal Access Token in your VSCode settings:
"gitea.instanceUrl": "",
"gitea.personalAccessToken": "your-personal-access-token"
"gitea.personalAccessToken": "your-personal-access-token",
## Usage
Run <Gitea: Authenticate> to authenticate with your Gitea instance.
You can set or update your Gitea instance URL and Personal Access Token by running <Gitea: Configure>
### Authentication
Cloning a Repository
Run `Gitea: Authenticate` to authenticate with your Gitea instance.
You can set or update your Gitea instance URL and Personal Access Token by running `Gitea: Configure`
Run <Gitea: Clone Repository> to clone a repository from your Gitea account.
Choose the repository you want to clone and select the folder where you want to clone it.
The repository will be cloned via SSH and automatically opened in VSCode.
### Cloning a Repository
Creating a Pull Request
Run `Gitea: Clone Repository` to clone a repository from your Gitea account.
Choose the repository you want to clone and select the folder where you want to clone it.
The repository will be cloned via SSH and automatically opened in VSCode.
Ensure that you are on the branch for which you want to create a Pull Request.
Run <Gitea: Create Pull Request> from the command palette.
The PR title will be automatically set to the latest commit message, and the body will include the commit description (if any).
The current branch will be used as the source (head), and the base branch will be automatically fetched from the repository's default branch (e.g., main or master).
Once the Pull Request is created, the Gitea web interface will open in your browser for further review.
### Creating a Pull Request
_Ensure that you are on the branch for which you want to create a Pull Request._
Run `Gitea: Create Pull Request` from the command palette.
The PR title will be automatically set to the latest commit message, and the body will include the commit description (if any).
The current branch will be used as the source (head), and the base branch will be automatically fetched from the repository's default branch (e.g., main or master).
Once the Pull Request is created, the Gitea web interface will open in your browser for further review.
## Issues
If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, please feel free to submit them in the issues section.
If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, please feel free to submit them in [the issues section](

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@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
"giteaClone.cloneError": "Fehler beim Klonen des Repositories.",
"giteaClone.noFolderSelected": "Kein Zielordner ausgewählt.",
"giteaClone.noSshUrl": "Konnte die SSH-Klon-URL nicht finden.",
"giteaClone.openRepoError": "Fehler beim Öffnen des geklonten Repositories."
"giteaClone.openRepoError": "Fehler beim Öffnen des geklonten Repositories.",
"giteaClone.noOpenPRs": "Keine offenen Pull Requests vorhanden.",
"giteaClone.selectPullRequest": "Wähle einen Pull Request zum Anzeigen aus",
"giteaClone.repoInfoError": "Konnte Repository-Informationen nicht abrufen.",
"giteaClone.pullRequestsError": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Pull Requests.",
"giteaClone.showOpenPullRequestsTooltip": "Offene Pull Requests anzeigen"

View File

@ -28,6 +28,11 @@
"giteaClone.cloneError": "Error cloning the repository.",
"giteaClone.noFolderSelected": "No target folder selected.",
"giteaClone.noSshUrl": "Could not find SSH clone URL.",
"giteaClone.openRepoError": "Error opening the cloned repository."
"giteaClone.openRepoError": "Error opening the cloned repository.",
"giteaClone.noOpenPRs": "There are no open pull requests.",
"giteaClone.selectPullRequest": "Select a pull request to view",
"giteaClone.repoInfoError": "Could not retrieve repository information.",
"giteaClone.pullRequestsError": "Error retrieving pull requests.",
"giteaClone.showOpenPullRequestsTooltip": "Show open pull requests"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "gitea-workflow",
"displayName": "Gitea Workflow",
"description": "Clone from Gitea instances; Create PRs",
"version": "1.1.0",
"version": "1.2.0",
"publisher": "computerliebe",
"engines": {
"vscode": "^1.94.0"
@ -23,20 +23,27 @@
"commands": [
"command": "gitea.createPullRequest",
"title": "Gitea: Create Pull Request",
"title": "Create Pull Request",
"category": "Gitea"
"command": "gitea.authenticate",
"title": "Gitea: Authenticate"
"title": " Authenticate",
"category": "Gitea"
"command": "gitea.configure",
"title": "Gitea: Configure URL"
"title": " Configure URL"
"command": "gitea.cloneRepository",
"title": "Gitea: Clone Repository"
"title": " Clone Repository",
"category": "Gitea"
"command": "gitea.showOpenPullRequests",
"title": " Show open Pull Requests",
"category": "Gitea"
"configuration": {

View File

@ -298,6 +298,150 @@ async function configureGitea() {
// Features
// Funktion zum Abrufen offener Pull Requests
async function getOpenPullRequests(): Promise<any[]> {
const instanceUrl = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().get<string>('gitea.instanceUrl');
const token = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().get<string>('gitea.personalAccessToken');
if (!instanceUrl || !token) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(localize('giteaClone.configMissing', 'Gitea URL oder Token ist nicht konfiguriert.'));
return [];
// Aktuellen Git-Ordner abrufen
const currentWorkspaceFolder = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders?.[0]?.uri?.fsPath;
if (!currentWorkspaceFolder) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(localize('giteaClone.noValidRepo', 'Kein gültiges Git-Repository im aktuellen Arbeitsbereich gefunden.'));
return [];
// Git-Repository-Informationen abrufen
const { owner, repo } = await getRepoInfo(currentWorkspaceFolder);
if (!owner || !repo) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(localize('giteaClone.repoInfoError', 'Konnte Repository-Informationen nicht abrufen.'));
return [];
try {
const response = await axios.get(`${instanceUrl}/api/v1/repos/${owner}/${repo}/pulls`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': `token ${token}`
params: {
state: 'open'
if (response.status === 200) {
} else {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(localize('giteaClone.pullRequestsError', 'Fehler beim Abrufen der Pull Requests.'));
return [];
} catch (error) {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage(localize('giteaClone.apiError', 'Fehler bei der Verbindung zur Gitea API.'));
return [];
// Hilfsfunktion zum Abrufen von Repository-Informationen
async function getRepoInfo(folderPath: string): Promise<{ owner: string, repo: string }> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec(`git config --get remote.origin.url`, { cwd: folderPath }, (error, stdout) => {
if (error || !stdout) {
reject(localize('giteaClone.noRemoteUrl', 'Konnte Git-Remote-URL nicht abrufen.'));
} else {
let repoUrl = stdout.trim();
// URL umwandeln, wenn sie im SSH-Format vorliegt
if (repoUrl.startsWith('git@')) {
const parts = repoUrl.split(':');
const domain = parts[0].replace('git@', '');
const path = parts[1].replace('.git', '');
repoUrl = `https://${domain}/${path}`;
} else {
repoUrl = repoUrl.replace('.git', '');
const [owner, repo] = repoUrl.split('/').slice(-2);
resolve({ owner, repo });
// Funktion zum Anzeigen offener Pull Requests
async function showOpenPullRequests() {
const pullRequests = await getOpenPullRequests();
if (pullRequests.length === 0) {
vscode.window.showInformationMessage(localize('giteaClone.noOpenPRs', 'Keine offenen Pull Requests vorhanden.'));
const prItems = => ({
label: `#${pr.number}: ${pr.title}`,
description: `von ${pr.user.username}`,
const selectedPr = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(prItems, {
placeHolder: localize('giteaClone.selectPullRequest', 'Wähle einen Pull Request zum Anzeigen aus')
if (selectedPr) {
// Öffne die URL des ausgewählten PRs im Browser
let extensionContext: vscode.ExtensionContext;
// Funktion zum Aktualisieren des PR-Statusleisten-Icons
let prStatusBarItem: vscode.StatusBarItem;
async function updatePRStatusBarItem(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
try {
const pullRequests = await getOpenPullRequests();
if (!prStatusBarItem) {
prStatusBarItem = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(vscode.StatusBarAlignment.Left);
prStatusBarItem.command = 'gitea.showOpenPullRequests';
prStatusBarItem.tooltip = localize('giteaClone.showOpenPullRequestsTooltip', 'Offene Pull Requests anzeigen');
const prCount = pullRequests.length;
prStatusBarItem.text = `$(git-pull-request) Gitea Open PRs: ${prCount}`;;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Fehler beim Aktualisieren des PR-Statusleisten-Icons:', error);
if (prStatusBarItem) {
// Funktion zum Starten des PR-Statusleisten-Updaters
function startPRStatusBarItemUpdater(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
updatePRStatusBarItem(context); // Initiales Update
// Aktualisiere bei Fokuswechsel
vscode.window.onDidChangeWindowState((windowState) => {
if (windowState.focused) {
}, null, context.subscriptions);
// Aktualisiere alle 5 Minuten
setInterval(() => updatePRStatusBarItem(context), 300000); // 5 Minuten
// Aktivierungsfunktion des Plugins
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
// Registriert den Befehl zur Authentifizierung
@ -319,6 +463,13 @@ export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
// Befehl zum Klonen eines Repositories
let cloneCommand = vscode.commands.registerCommand('gitea.cloneRepository', cloneGiteaRepository);
// Befehl zum Anzeigen offener Pull Requests
let showPRCommand = vscode.commands.registerCommand('gitea.showOpenPullRequests', showOpenPullRequests);
// Statusleisten-Icon erstellen und Updater starten
// Deaktivierungsfunktion des Plugins